
The programme is structured to provide conceptual and theoretical knowledge in the available fields specializations.  It provides an appropriate environment for the establishment of an advanced training programme in the basic areas of Physics that are very relevant to the establishment of the Fedral University of Agriculture.

9.4.2      Structure

The programme consists of core courses (covering the key areas of Physics), elective courses in the area of specialization and thesis research.  Normally all course work is supposed to be undertaken during the first session, while the project would be done during the second session.

Detailed structure is as follows

Course Title


Core Courses


Elective Courses









Course Code

Course Title





PHS 701

Quantum Mechanics


PHS 703

Mathematical Physics


PHS 705

Electromagnetic Theory


PHS 707

Advanced Laboratory and Workshop Practice


PHS 709

Numerical and Computational Methods


PHS 740

M.Sc. Research Project





PHS 702

Solid State Physics 1


PHS 704

Solid State Physics 11


PHS 706

Statistical Thermodynamics


PHS 708

Analysis of Data


PHS 710

Application of Physics in Meteorology


PHS 712

Advanced Meteorology


PHS 714

Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere


PHS 716

Health Physics


PHS 718

Advanced Nuclear Physics


PHS 720

Electronic Design and Analysis


PHS 722

Physical Instrumentation


PHS 724

Advanced Computational Physics


PHS 726

Physics of the Earth Interior


PHS 728

Methods of Techniques of Geophysical Prospecting



Course Code

Course Title                             



Core Courses

PHS 801

Quantum Mechanics               



PHS 803

Mathematical Physics               



PHS 805

Electromagnetic Theory            



PHS 807

Advanced Laboratory Workshop Practice



PHS 809

Numerical & Computational Methods



PHS 899





PHS 802

Solid State Physics I                   



PHS 804

Solid State Physics II



PHS 806

Statistical Thermodynamics



PHS 808

Analysis of Data



PHS 810

Application of Physics in Meteorology



PHS 812

Advanced Meteorology



PHS 814

Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere



PHS 816

Health Physics



PHS 818

Advanced Nuclear Physics



PHS 820

Electronic Design and Analysis



PHS 822

Physical Instrumentation



PHS 824

Advanced Computational Physics



PHS 826

Physics of the Earth Interior



PHS 828

Methods of Techniques of Geophysical Prospecting





This is basically a research-based degree and the programme here would be concerned mostly with research in various fields of Physics.  However, all Ph.D students will be expected to present seminars in the research area as approved by the supervisors.  Registration for the Ph.D programme shall be on full time or part time basis.


Candidates may be required to take some course work depending on the background.  The major emphasis, however, would be on the research thesis to be submitted at the end of the courses.

Areas of Specialisation at M.Sc., and Ph.D Levels.

Environmental Physics

Radiation and Health Physics

Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics


Computational Physics

Solid Earth Geophysics


9.4.3      Detailed Course Description


PHS 801 –             Quantum Mechanics (3 Units)

Symmetry in quantum mechanics.  Fundamentals of quantum mechanics – operations in Hilbert space.  Matrix formulation of quantum mechanics.  Angular momentum theory in quantum mechanics approximation methods in collision theory, Many electron systems, Scattering theory.


PHS 802 –             Solid State Physics 1 (3 Units)

Electrons and holes, phonons, magnons and exicton, theory of protons and lattic vibration X-ray and neutron scattering.  Theory of reciprocal lattice and crystal diffraction.  Defects in crystalline solids.  Dislocations.  Crystal growth.


PHS 803 –             Mathematical Physics (3 Units)

Complex variables, Group Theory and applications, Introduction to partial differential equations and application.  Weiner Hopt method.  Method of integral transform, and application to the solution of initial and boundary value problems, Greens functions Calculus of variations.  Integral equations.  Methods of Asymptotic expansion.


PHS 804 –             Solid State Physics 11 (3 Units)

Basic ideas of quantum statistics many body theory, electrons in solids.  Band theory of solids Electron theory in metals and Fermi-Diera statistics.  Super-conductivity and Super fluidity optical processes in solid, semi-conductor physics, theory of magnetism, magnet-optical properties of solids.


PHS 805 –             Electromagnetic Theory (3 Units)

Electrostatic potential and magnetostatic problems, Poisson and Laplace’s equations, method of images, Green theorem… Multiple Expansion, Magnetic Fields, Stoke’ Theorem, Vector potential, Maxwell’s equations, Electromagnetic fields, simple radiating systems and diffraction.  Introductory magnetic hydro dynamics and plasma physics.


PHS 806 –             Statistical Thermodynamics (3 Units)

Basic postgraduate of the thermodynamics of simple homogeneous systems, thermodynamic potentials and stability of thermodynamic system.  Quantum statistical mechanics, assembles and the density matrix.  Non-interacting Bose and Fermisy systems, the ideal gas, Kinetic theory, botzman transport equation, Transport Phenomena in solids, liquids and gases.  Boltzman motion and its applications, connections between transport coefficient and equilibrium statistics.  Nyquist thermodynamic formulation, Onsagar relations.


PHS 807 –             Advanced Laboratory and Workshop Practice (2 Units)

Experiments to perform in Solid State Physics Device characterizations study of thin firms, X-ray diffraction, superconductivity, Hall Effect, Nuclear and magnetic resonance.  Atomic and Nuclear physics Measurement of em ratio for cathode rays, Geiger and Mardsen experiment for testing the angular dependence of particle scattering.  Use of X-ray spectronter.

Experiments to be performed in Radiation Physics Particle identification techniques, standard luminescence methods for the comparison of absorbed doses.  Solid state dosimetry at high doses precision and accuracy in radiation.  Safety precautions in the laboratory.  Basic circuit synthesis and analysis, pulse circuits telmentry and use in remote control work instrumentation and measuring techniques, impendance matching.


PHS 808 –             Analysis of Data (3 Units)

Nature of observation, Errors of observation, means and media as weighted and adjusted means precision and accuracy.  Parameters of frequency distributions.  Measure of dispersion, skewness, kurtosis standard errors of parameters, significance tests.  Theory of errors.  Binomial, Gaussio and Poisson distribution.  Time series persistence periodicity, quasi-periodicity, harmonic analysis, simple correlation ration, partial correlation.

Correlation smoothing and interpolation.  Curve fitting methods t-distribution analysis, test of fit, X-square distribution students t-distribution analysis of variance and F-distribution, errors of correlation coefficients.


PHS 809 –             Numerical and Computational Methods (2 Units)

Interpolation schemes, the Lagrangian representation, Aitken algorithm, least square fit.  Solution of linear equations, Gaussian elimination and inversion of matrices.  Fourier series and harmonic analysis, differential equations, various methods of numerical integration and differentiation.  Solution of ODE using step by step methods, runge Kutta predictor methods, numerical solution of partial differential equations, Hyperbolic method of relaxation and other iterative schemes applied to simultaneous equations, ill-conditioned equations, iterative methods of solving elliptic equations.


PHS 810 –             Applications of Physics in Meteorology (2 Units)

Scales of motion.  The structure and composition of the atmosphere.  Its general circulation, energy sources and sinks, heat vapour the mean pressure field, Rossby waves, monsoon circulations, semi-permanent anticyclones.  Synoptic scale features, cyclones and easterly waves, meso-scale phenomena formulation of precipitation.


PHS 812 –             Advanced Meteorology (3 Units)

Motion and scales of motion on a rotating earth, conversation principle of fluids.  Termodynamics  of the lower atmosphere, condensation and precipitation process, atmospheric electricity at mospheric convention.

Circulation and vorticity, atmospheric waves and vortices.  Turbulent transfer processes in the atmosphere, Micrometeorology.  Tropical atmosphere motion systems.  Principles of weather forecasting and weather forecasting techniques with particular attention to the tropics.  Streamlines and trajectories.  Formulation of mathematical models, large scale atmospheric models, large scale atmospheric models complex numerical weather prediction models.


PHS 814 –             Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere (3 Units)

Atmospheric nomenclature.  Hydrostatic equations of atmospheric structure, Scale height.  He had balance in the thermosphere dissociation and diffusion.  Production and loss process of ions and electrons.  Chaptman theory.  Attitude distribution and temporal variation of neural and ionized constitutents, temperature and collision frequency in the mesosphere and thermosphere.

Winds and tidal osciallations.  Gravity waves.  Draft motions of irregularities.  E-region electric current and the dynamics of the ionosphere.  Measuring techniques for the parameters of the neutral constituents. Opms amd electrons, winds and drifts of irregularities and temperature with special emphasis on those used locally.


PHS 816 –             Health Physics (2 Units)

Introduction to atomic and nuclear structure, atomic, optical microwave and radio-frequency radiation.  Radiation exposures and its effects on living cells particularly the human body.  Biomedical instrumentation and techniques, Radiation protection, uses of radiation biomedical applications, Nuclear Power and its production.


PHS 818 –             Advanced Nuclear Physics (3 Units)

Review of nucleon-nucleon interactions two-nuclear problem, phenomenology of the two nucleon interaction.  Nuclear forces, Nuclear structure.  Phenomenological models and microscope theories.  The Nuclear shell models, unified collection methods of many body treatment of the nucleus.  Fundamental Particles, accelerators.


PHS 802 –             Electronic Design and Analysis (2 Units)

Circuit theory, network synthesis and analysis.  Basic theory of amplifiers, feedback systems and application, Equivalent electrical circuits for physical and biological systems stability and oscillations.  Operational amplifiers, integrated circuits and analog systems, linear and non-linear analogue systems, integrated linear and non-linear digital systems.


PHS 822 –             Physical Instrumentation (3 Units)

The Electronics of Instrumentation.  Circuit element laws and network.  Signal amplification and noise elemination.  Operational amplifiers and applications.  Methods and techniques of scientific measurements.

Sensor processors storage and retrieval systems.  Display and recoding of signals.  Basic principles of the D’arsonval meter UTU’M, the generalized meter and the C.R.O.  Automatic synchronizations mechanics and stability.  Analogue and digital recording systems and converters.  Computer compatible data logging D. C. and bridges.  Electrical transducers and applications in instrumentation (the application will involve the design of instrument prototypes).


PHS 824 –             Advanced Computational Physics (3 Units)

Numerical techniques-differentiation integral solution of different equations, matrix algebra, simulation methods molecular dynamics Monte Carlo techniques, slow iterative algorithms, Application to quantum and statistical mechanics, lattice models, integrating many particle systems, non-linear dynamics, field theoretical models, electronics structure calculations.


PHS 826 –             Physics of the Earth Interior (3 Units)

The composition of the earth.  The physical characteristics of earth’s materials mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties.  Earth’s gravity and the earth’s figure and interior.  Further evidence from seismology, geothermal state and geomagnetism.  Geodynamics – Global picture of the dynamic earth.  Plate theory and rheology of the earth’s interior.  Evidence from geomagnetic reversals. Mechanism of earthquakes and the new global tectonics.  Field and laboratory investigations, especially high pressure geophysics.


PHS 828 –             Methods and Techniques of Geophysical Prospecting (3 Units)

A classification of geophysical techniques for investigating the earth crust.  Unified approach to geophysical data acquisition, analysis and interpretation Planning, Staking, mapping, presentation of results, analysis and interpretation techniques.  Gravity methods, Seismic refraction and reflection techniques.  Magnetics and Geoelectrics.  Field and laboratory techniques.  Generalised interpretation techniques and geophysical instrumentation.  (Instrumentation will involve particular geophysical instrument which will be selected every year).


PHS 899 –             M.Sc. Project (6 Units)


9.4.4      Staff List



Degrees Universities Where Obtained



Dr. O. D. Akinyemi

B.Sc., M.Sc.,

Ph.D (Ibadan)

Solid Earth Physics

Senior Lecturer

Dr. J. A. Olowofela

B.Sc (Jos), M.Sc.,

 Ph.D (Ibadan)

Solid Earth Physis


Dr. A. N. Njah

B.Sc. (Jos),  M.Sc., Ph.D (Ibadan)

Theoretical Physics

Senior Lecturer

Dr. B.S Badmus

B.Sc, M.Sc, (Ibadan) Ph.D (Lagos)

Solid Earth Physics

Senior Lecturer

Dr.(Mrs) Olufunmilayo Alatise

B.Sc, M.Sc (Ibadan), Ph.D (FFUNAAB)

Health Physics

Lecturer I

Dr. G. A. Adebayo

B.Sc., M.Sc.,

Ph.D (Ibadan)

Condensed Matter Physics

Lecturer I