PROJECT TITLE: Gains from Root and Tuber Crops (GRATITUDE)

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:  Prof L. O. Sanni                               
COLLABORATOR(S): Dr K Adebayo, Dr Obadina

This project is led by the natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich with partners from Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, United Kingdom, Pacific, and the Caribbean. It has a total budget of 3.75 million Euros with a FUNAAB component of €504,300. The project has 3 impact pathways: 1. reduction of physical losses – focussing on fresh yams storage; 2. value added processing reducing physical and economic losses in yam and cassava and 3. Improved utilisation of wastes (peels, liquid waste, spent brewery waste) producing products for human consumption including snack foods, mushrooms and animal feed. Cross-cutting are issues of food safety, enterprise development and practical demonstration. It is aimed to validate technologies capable of reducing losses by an equivalent of at least 50%.